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A fast office move for a growing team.

ESProfiler needed to find a new office before their lease ended to accommodate a workforce which has more than tripled in size.

Manchester, UK
Four-week process from enquiry to move

ESProfiler is a software development company that provides continuous security validation for companies. They educate, inform and enable customers to assess their cybersecurity stack effectively.

This is achieved by demystifying the market, examining their spending, identifying threats and adversaries, and educating them on better spending and protecting themselves. They needed a new office in Manchester city centre which was suitable for the company’s size and catered to the needs of a diverse workforce.

The company had outgrown its existing space in Barclays Eagle Labs Digital Security Hub (DiSH) substantially. A four-person workforce had more than tripled in size and now 13 desks were needed. In addition to being too small, the space was also no longer fit for purpose in other ways. There was very little natural light and transport connections were not up to scratch.

Even though the space is a hub for cybersecurity firms like ESProfiler, a new solution was needed, so they reached out to Level through their networks within Manchester. Aligning the workspace with company growth plans is all important for scaling tech businesses, so we helped them begin the office search process straight away.

Listening to a diverse workforce

The first thing to do was listen to the workforce to find out what they wanted and needed from their next office. The staff is diverse and they expressed the need for more space, more natural light and the right desk formations so that they could stay in their teams – all features which meant that they could be more comfortable and productive at work.

The team also said meeting room space was important, as was having space on walls for whiteboards and other materials. Great WiFi was also vital, and the office had to be close to transport links to facilitate ease of commuting.

It was also important to stay in Manchester city centre from a business point of view. It’s common for cybersecurity firms to cluster around GCHQ facilities when they open up an office in a new city. It happened in Cheltenham – GCHQ's main base – and the same has happened in Manchester since the agency came to the city. ESProfiler wanted to stay close by.

With that brief, we started the search process and provided the ESProfiler team with a range of options, from Oxford Road to Piccadilly to Victoria Station.

Neil Robertson, Head of Customer Success at ESProfiler, said: “Level were brilliant because they listened to our needs. What really impressed me was not only their detailed knowledge about Manchester but also their insight into good areas, upcoming developments, and local happenings. You can't put a price on that kind of information.

“So much so that I actually referred one of my friends to LEVEL when she was looking for somewhere. They genuinely cared.”

Viewing the options and narrowing it down

A quick start was important because the lease on the company’s previous office was coming to an end within a couple of months of the search process starting. The end of a lease can come with hidden costs, so it was vital that the break was clean and there was no more potential for complications.

We’re specialists in helping businesses transition from accelerators to the right next workspace for their business. That meant we knew how to get the process off to a flying start, and in just two days visited 17 properties in the city centre with the ESProfiler team.

Ahead of each visit we sent itineraries and called ahead to brief the building managers so that they knew what to expect and what spaces would best fit the needs of the business.

Following those initial visits, Neil Roberston recounts how they “wanted to revisit a few places, and nothing was too much trouble. The whole process felt like we were being heard. I couldn’t recommend them enough.

“Level hit the mark perfectly. All the places met our criteria which was a testament to their efforts. Our business owner had previously tried to search for offices on his own, but what Joe and Halima found for us far exceeded those efforts. Their inside knowledge was crucial.”

These final three revisits were completed with the ESProfiler team who picked the office that they liked best. As Neil says: “The office is their space, so they wanted something that felt like theirs, a home away from home.”

Moving in four weeks after starting the search

From the initial enquiry through to the final move in, the whole process took just four weeks to complete. The workspace chosen in Bloc was ideal for the company and the team. We helped get everything prepped so that the move was as smooth as possible, and the results have been extremely positive.

Neil says: “Our team loves it. The responses and changes we've made since moving in have been incredible. It was everything we wanted and more, we constantly use our meeting room. The team also has access to the Bruntwood App, which gives them a sense of community and has helped our new staff adapt to Manchester.

“Working with Level has been one of the best experiences I’ve had in dealing with business, and I’ve been doing this for a long time. It’s not every day you look for an office, but the service was outstanding, we had a great time, and they were genuinely interested in us. We also received a beautiful hamper from them, which we loved!”

The company was so pleased with the move that they have since expanded their investment in Bloc and added several additional features provided by the building manager, Bruntwood.

Joe Averill, founder of Level, says: “Working with ESProfiler was a great experience. Having their whole team involved in the planning, search and decision making meant that the company found the perfect space for everyone – and they are already seeing the benefits of that approach!

“As the Manchester flexible office market heats up and a greater diversity of spaces becomes available, it’s a fantastic opportunity for businesses to follow ESProfiler’s example and find an office space that is ideal without having to compromise.”

Want to find a flexible office to rent in Manchester that’s perfect for your business and team? Get in touch with our experts today by booking a free discovery call.

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